Zebra Zou

The “Zebra Zou!” centre was financed under the Programme RO11 – “Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting Work-Life Balance”

The activities carried out within the “Zebra Zou” Care and Early Education Centre focus on two main segments: early education and care for children.

The project leads to raising the awareness concerning gender issues among the target group and mainly among the Roma population in the community living in the Petricani neighbourhood, by implementing a local promotion action. The project aims at providing 10 Roma families with support to increase their autonomy, and one of the objectives was to integrate/reintegrate women in the labour market or for actively searching a job. The project ensures the increase of the number of places in the children care and early education centres in Bucharest, with 27 places in the first year, and then, starting with the second year, with 9 more places annually. The project encourages the partnership between public institutions and non-governmental organizations, between public institutions at various levels and with similar or complementary responsibilities, between public institutions and families in the community or the community as a whole. The project aims at creating the necessary framework for an active participation of the parents as well as of the children in the decision making process within the newly established centre. The new centre has a capacity of 27 children, of which 10 are Roma, and promotes inclusive education.

The “Zebra Zou!” centre was financed under the Programme RO11 – “Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Promoting Work-Life Balance”, EEA and Norwegian Grants 2009-2014. For more information see here.