Health (European public health challenges)

The objective of the programme is improving prevention and reducing inequalities in health, through:

  • policies and services for prevention of diseases improved
  • access to health care services for vulnerable groups improved

Total amount of funding available for the programme

47,058,824 EUR (40,000,000 EUR EEA Grants and 7,058,824 EUR contribution of the national budget)

Programme management

The programme is managed by the Ministry of Health, as Programme Operator, in partnership with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Health Directorate.

8 predefined projects, as well as projects selected under 3 calls organized by the Programme Operator in the period 2019-2020 will be funded.

Predefined projects

Strengthening the capacity of the Romanian Health Sector to implement Organized Screening for Cancers (CEDICROM 2) (2,000,000 EUR)

Project implemented by the Oncology Institute in Cluj-Napoca in partnership with the Cancer Registry of Norway.
The project will support preventive and curative medical services for marginalized, vulnerable groups provided at the level of communities, in the field of cervical cancer.

Strengthening the TB control in Romania through implementation of the WHO END TB Strategy 2016-2020 (11.176.470 EUR)

Project implemented by the Marius Nasta Pneumology Institute in Bucharest, in partnership with Romanian Angel Appeal and with the LHL Tuberculosis Foundation in Norway.
The project shall support the Romanian TB control and surveillance system and network, with an aim to decrease the hospitalization period, involving the family doctors in TB diagnostic and monitoring through the implementation of PAL strategy, and improving diagnostic and treatment results through universal and rapid access to complete and correct diagnostic regimes.

Strengthening the National Network of Primary Health Care Providers (8,800,000 EUR)

Project implemented by the National Institute of Public Health in partnership with the National Institute for Maternal and Child Health “Alfred Rusescu” and with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and Norwegian Directorate of Health.
The project includes measures for increased access to primary medical services through integrated community centres, with a focus on promoting health and prevention, improvement of evidence records for the development of adequate health policies at local and national level and on increasing the primary medical care service level.

Increased performance regarding diagnosis and treatment of children’s cancer (3,750,000 EUR)

Project implemented by the Oncology Institute in Cluj-Napoca in partnership with the Children Hospital Sf. Maria Iași, Children Hospital Louis Țurcanu Timișoara and the Oncology Institute in Bucharest, with donor partner the Norwegian Directorate of Health. 
The project will support improved diagnosis and treatment of children’s cancer through the acquisition of equipment, training programmes for health professionals in using the equipment and improving their diagnostic and therapeutic skills as well as developing and implementing guidelines for diagnosis and treatment in paediatric oncology according to European standards.

Support for the development of Community Mental Services for children and adolescents (2,500,000 EUR)

Project implemented by the National Centre of Mental Health and Anti-drug Action, in partnership with the Norwegian Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare.
The project shall support raising awareness and improving capacities of community members, parents, professionals in primary care, education and social protection field to better support children at risk or with mental health disorders and improve access to health care services for children with mental health disorders.

Creating a registry to track left ventricular remodelling as a result of acute myocardial infarction in order to prevent heart failure (2,500,000 EUR)

Project implemented by the Heart Institute "Niculae Stăncioiu" Cluj-Napoca in partnership with the Heart Institute Timișoara, Emergency County Hospital Oradea and with the donor partners Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway and University Hospital Tromso in Norway.
The project, implemented as a pilot project in 8 counties in the western part of Romania, will support the establishment of a cardiac insufficiency registry based on the Norwegian registry in cardiovascular diseases and develop a risk model that will identify and influence the population at risk with an objective to reduce the burden of cardiovascular diseases. The project will also increase the survival rate of patients who have suffered an acute myocardial infarction by acquisition of medical equipment, by training professional medical staff and by identifying and promoting a proactive therapeutic approach towards patients at risk of heart failure.

Strengthening the institutional capacity to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and healthcare associated infections (HAI) in Romania (1,761,494 EUR)

Project implemented by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases “Professor Dr. Matei Balș”.
The project shall support monitoring of Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) and Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI) and stewardship on antibiotics prescription through developing a National Strategy and a National Action Plan, elaboration of relevant standards and protocols for AMR testing, HAI surveillance and antibiotic stewardship in public hospitals, as well as professional guidelines, training and capacity-building for health professionals.

Development of a single healthcare professional registry (500,000 EUR)

Project implemented by the Ministry of Health in partnership with the National Institute of Public Health. 
The project shall improve the human resources management in the Romanian health sector by introducing a single, centralised and standardised registry of data on health professionals.

Calls for projects

Call for projects (9,000,000 EUR)

Funding projects for improved health services, particularly for the vulnerable groups, i.e. investments in infrastructure, training and information and awareness campaigns

Small grants scheme 1 (3,500,000 EUR)  

Funding projects for the establishment of community centres, including investments in equipment and awareness campaigns

Small grants scheme 2 (1,000,000 EUR)

Funding measures to strengthen prevention and reduce the impact of diseases affecting population, mainly contagious diseases.

The dedicated website of the Programme, managed by the Programme Operator, is