The objective of the programme is strengthened rule of law, through measures aiming at:
57.294.118 EUR (48,700,000 EUR Norway Grants and 8.594.118 EUR contribution of the national budget)
The programme is managed by the Ministry of Justice, as Programme Operator, in partnership with the Ministry of Justice in Norway, Norwegian Courts Administration, Directorate of Norwegian Correctional Services, as well as the Council of Europe.
10 predefined projects will be funded under the programme.
Correctional (31,000,000 EUR)
Project implemented by the National Administration of Penitentiaries in partnership with the National Probation Directorate, the Penitentiaries in Baia Mare, Botoșani, Vaslui, Târgu Mureș, National School for Training of Prison Staff Târgu Ocna, Norwegian Correctional Academy, Halden and Stavanger Penitentiaries in Norway, Rogaland Probation Office and Østfold Probation Office.
The objective of the project is to improve the capacity of the correctional services in Romania (penitentiary and probation) to provide reintegration services for convicted persons, by establishing their smooth transition from prison to the probation system and their further reintegration into the community, through close cooperation with local authorities.
Improving the correctional services in Romania by implementing the normality principle - 4NORM(-ality)(5,000,000 EUR)
Project implemented by the National Administration of Penitentiaries, in partnership with the Ploieşti Penitentiary, Poarta Albă Penitentiary, Craiova Penitentiary, National School for Training Penitentiary Agents in Târgu Ocna, National Probation Directorate and with the donor partners Norwegian Correctional Academy, Norwegian Correctional Services and Hedmark Penitentiary.
The project aims at contributing to a better social reintegration of convicts through the reform, in three prisons (Craiova, Ploiești, Poarta Albă), of their social reintegration programmes and daily activities, in order to make them more responsible before and after release.
CHILD - Children’s Inclusion by Learning and Developing (1,494,117 EUR)
Project implemented by the National Administration of Penitentiaries in partnership with the Târgu Ocna Education Centre and Tîrgu Ocna Town Hall.
The project will facilitate the social reintegration of minors and youngsters by improving the educational services and specific assistance provided within the Târgu Ocna Educational Centre.
Supporting the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Romania (2,500,000 EUR)
Project implemented by the National Agency for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in partnership with the Secretariat of the Shelter Movement, St. Olavs University Hospital, Department for Research and Education in Forensic Psychiatry in Brøset - Norway.
The objective of the project is to improve the capacity of Romanian authorities to implement the Istanbul Convention in Romania, by assessing the prevalence of various forms of violence against women, assessing the capacity of the Romanian authorities to implement national policy in the field of combating domestic violence and gender-based violence, elaboration of working tools and professional training of the specialists involved, as well as establishment of centres for the victims of sexual violence and counselling centres for the perpetrators.
Fighting criminality and corruption (4,250,000 EUR)
Project implemented by the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice in partnership with the National Anticorruption Directorate and the Directorate for Investigation
Organized Crime and Terrorism.
The project aims at enhancing the capacity of the Public Ministry to tackle organized crime and corruption, through measures for the development of the professional and technical capacity.
Judicial Training and Capacity Building (4,100,000 EUR)
Project implemented by the Superior Council of Magistracy in partnership with the National Institute of Magistracy, National School of Clerks and with the donor partner Norwegian Courts Administration.
The project addresses the need for professional training for judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals in order for them to fully understand and apply the European legal concepts in their professional activity.
Protecting victims of crime (2.000.000 euro)
Project implemented by the Prosecutor`s Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice in partnership with the Ministry of Justice, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and 5 Social Assistance Services in Bucharest, Romania.
The project activities include an analysis of victims’ protection and assistance mechanisms (including victims of Roma ethnicity) in Romania, in light of latest evolutions at EU level, an analysis on the way in which Romanian authorities investigate hate crimes, further specialising prosecutors in the investigation of cases involving minors as victims and setting up special rooms for hearing children victims of crime.
SECURE - A Safe and Educated Community Undertaking Responsible Engagement (2.900.000 euro)
Project implemented by the National Administration of Penitentiaries in partnership with the Ministry of Justice and Mărgineni Penitentiary.
The project provides for carrying out an in-depth analysis of the causes of recidivism in Romania, and the elaboration of a national strategy and an associated action plan for the prevention of recidivism, based on the said analysis. At the same time, the services and infrastructure of Mărgineni Penitentiary will be modernized, through the building of 52 new detention places and various social reintegration spaces (e.g. 4 classrooms, 1 sports room, 1 greenhouse), the organization of qualification courses for inmates, and the further specialization of prison staff in applying new methods of social reintegration.
VERA - Positive change through integrated action in turbulent times (823.529 euro)
Project implemented by the National Agency for Men and Women Equality.
The objective of the project is to improve the capacity of the local authorities to provide better and adequate support for the victims of domestic and gender-based violence (DGBV), by training the specialists of the mobile teams and the specialists of the domestic violence departments at county level, and will be developed working instruments to support their activity. A study that will analyze the situation at county level as regards the strategies and local action plans in the field, the evolution of the DGBV phenomenon, the practice and trends, social services, protection measures (e.g. protection order), legal counselling, psychologic support, labour market, etc.
The evaluation of the implementation of the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016-2020 and the development and recommendations for future steps (495.000 euro)
Project implemented by the Ministry of Justice in partnership with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
The project activities include performing the ex-post evaluation of the National Anticorruption Strategy (NAS) 2016-2020, formulating recommendations for a post – 2020 strategic document and improving the technical capacities of the Ministry of Justice to monitor the implementation of the anticorruption standards improved.
More information at the following links: Programme Operator.