Education (Education, scholarships, apprenticeship and youth entrepreneurship)

The programme aims at enhancing human capital and knowledge through:

  • improving abilities and competences among higher education students and staff (mobility of higher education students and staff)
  • strengthening institutional cooperation in higher education
  • improved abilities and competences among educational experts (school inspectors, teachers trainers, counsellors)
  • improved quality of vocational education
  • strengthening organization capacity of the institutions, in order to ensure efficient inclusion of Roma children

Total amount of funding available for the programme

14,117,647 EUR (12,000,000 EUR EEA Grants and 2,117,647 EUR contribution of national budget)

Programme managements

The programme is managed by the National Agency for Community Programmes in the Fields of Education and Vocational Training (ANPCDEFP), as Programme Operator, in partnership with the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education and National Agency for International Education Affairs.

The projects selected under the calls for projects organized by the Programme Operator in 2018-2022 will be funded.

Calls for projects

Higher education mobility (5,500,000 EUR)

Financing higher education mobility projects to improve higher education students and staff skills, through enhancing students and staff mobility between Romania and donor countries.

Higher education cooperation projects (2,850,000 EUR)

Supporting higher education cooperation projects aiming at modernizing/innovating the curriculum, exchanging teaching methods best practices and organizing short-term students and staff mobility.

Pre-higher education projects (980,000 EUR)

Financing mobility projects aiming at improving the skills / competences of the Romanian educational experts (school inspector, teachers trainers, counsellors) in their area of expertise or in the fields of democracy, human rights and social inclusion.

Vocational education and training projects (VET) (2,087,648 EUR)

Supporting the development of human capital and consolidation of the base knowledge in the field of vocational education, through projects aiming at improving the pupils learning quality through workplace training, study visits in a donor country, as for the participants from Romania to benefit from the best practices in the host institution and in the partner companies.

Roma children school inclusion projects (1,411,764 EUR)

Supporting cooperation projects in partnership, aiming at strengthening the institutional capacity of schools to ensure the effective inclusion of Roma children.


The dedicated website of the Programme, managed by the Programme Operator, is